Benefit for the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund
November 19, 2005
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Berkeley - California


November 19

2-5 P.M.

Anna's Jazz Island

2120 Allston Way

Haiti is in deep crisis. The U.S.-engineered coup that overthrew President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in February 2004 has exacerbated already-existing poverty and unemployment and created a human rights nightmare. Thousands have been killed, disappeared, incarcerated and forced into exile. While the people of Haiti continue to organize and mobilize for a return to democracy, they deserve our support and assistance.

The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund offers humanitarian relief to Haitian grassroots organizations and activists who have been directly impacted by the violence of the coup. Our goal is to sustain these community organizers and victims of repression as they attempt to rebuild their lives and continue political organizing inside and outside the country.

Join us at Anna's Jazz Island for an afternoon of entertainment, information and solidarity with the people of Haiti. Learn more about the crisis in Haiti and the continuing resistance to the coup. Take the opportunity to provide direct material assistance to those who continue, despite all odds, to stand for a democratic Haiti.

All proceeds benefit the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund. We hope you will give generously.


Bolivar Ramilus - Mr. Ramilus is a Haitian peasant leader and former member of Parliament from the Fanmi Lavalas Party. He served as president of the Haitian Parliament's Commission on Peasant Affairs. The target of numerous death threats and several assassination plots in the months after the coup, he has been living in exile in the United States since April 2005.

Pierre Labossiere - Pierre is a long-time Bay Area Haitian activist and a leading voice in the movement to defend democracy in Haiti. He is a founding member of the Haiti Action Committee.

Anna's Jazz Island

2120 Allston Way, Berkeley

Just east of Shattuck Avenue Close to the downtown Berkeley BART station.

Yes! I want to support the People of Haiti!

Make checks payable to Haiti Emergency Relief Fund/Vanguard

Send Checks to:

Vanguard Public Foundation
383 Rhode Island St. Suite 301
San Francisco, CA 94103

Phone: 415-487-2111 - Fax: 415-487-2124

Click the button below to donate to:
Vanguard Public Foundation's
Haiti Emergency Relief Fund
which supports organizations giving
humanitarian aid to the people of Haiti

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