NY Chapter of Fanmi Lavalas denounces Marc Bazin and his renegade Fanmi Lavalas acolytesPRESS RELEASE - NY Chapter of Fanmi Lavalas October 27, 2005 "Beware of Thieves in New York," says NY Chapter of Fanmi Lavalas Political Organization The NY Chapter of Fanmi Lavalas publicly state, to one and all, that Fanmi Lavalas of NY does not and will never sanction, endorse or welcome Marc Bazin to New York as a "Fanmi Lavalas" presidential candidate. The actions of Marc Bazin, as well as his handful of renegade Fanmi Lavalas members trying to give him a semblance of Fanmi Lavalas legitimacy, is purely and simply THEFT. They are trying to steal the Fanmi Lavalas name, in an attempt to deceive the ever-vigilant people of Haiti. As part of our actions aiming at exposing this "identity theft", Fanmi Lavalas will organize a delegation to formally deliver a message to Marc Bazin and his servile bunch. This letter will clearly state that: 1. Article 8 of Fanmi Lavalas' constitution prohibits any political alliance with other political parties. This fake alliance between Fanmi Lavalas and MIDH is a fraud. 2. Article 49 of the same constitution states that only the National Representative in collaboration with the National Coordination can present a slate of candidates. These personalities are currently in jail, in hiding or in exile. It is true that at one point Marc Bazin protested the slaughter of the sons and daughters of Haiti during this bicentennial coup d'État. Fanmi Lavalas appreciates this principled stand. Yet, we do not forget the stream of blood, of these same poor people, spilled during Marc Bazin's tenure as Prime Minister under the 1991 military coup against President Aristide. That 1991 coup d'État was staged on behalf of Marc Bazin. Though Bazin protested the "death train" slaughtering the poor majority during this second coup d'État, this deed alone is not nearly enough to qualify him as Lavalas. To be a Lavalas, Bazin should: 1. have a vision on a domestic Haitian economy that would improve life for everyone including the poor majority in Haiti. As Prime Minister Bazin raised the monetary ceiling twice, distributing the "loot" to his friends and other putchists, resulting in a devalued Haitian dollar, and a collapsed economy bringing more misery to Haiti's poor. 2. have a political vision that would include Haiti's poor people in the administrative affairs of the State, as well as his political party. Bazin never integrated the poor masses in his political party. 3. have a social vision uniting people on the basis that each and every person are created equal. Bazin has always practiced a systematic exclusion of poor people. The above points will be delivered to Marc Bazin when he visits New York. We send them to the press, in advance, so that the world knows that Fanmi Lavalas of New York does not recognize or support Marc Bazin's candidacy. Yon sèl nou fèb, Ansanm nou fò, Ansanm, ansanm, nou se lavalas. For Fanmi Lavalas of New York: Alina Sixto - Koòdinatè Note: MIDH = Mouvement pour l'Instauration de la Démocratie en Haiti. Parti politique fondé par Marc Bazin en 1986. |