AP leads CBC, eTaiwan and others subscribers of  its news feed to exaggerate and misrepresent the  facts in Haiti.                                     Oct 8 2004

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AP leads CBC, eTaiwan and others subscribers of its news feed to exaggerate and misrepresent the facts in Haiti.


AP leads CBC, eTaiwan and others subscribers of its news feed to exaggerate and misrepresent the facts in Haiti.


This alert originally cited the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) as the source of this press infraction. We thank CBC for clarifying the information originated from the Associated Press on October 6th.

AP took it's own rendition of an encounter with a single armed individual in the slum of Bel Air and transformed it into "pro-Aristide factions." The AP report of "one angry man" screaming "We are going to kidnap some Americans and cut off their heads" is later exaggerated into "pro-Aristide factions threatening to behead foreigners," thereby misrepresenting the facts.

Article Title:

Aristide supporters threaten continued violence in Haiti

News Organization(s):

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
World News Wednesday, Oct 06, 2004

Haiti descends into mob violence 2004-10-08 / Associated Press /


First appeared in CBC Wednesday, Oct 06, 2004 as:

The pro-Aristide factions took machetes, guns, rocks and bottles and roamed through a Port-au-Prince slum, threatening to behead foreigners.

Haiti descends into mob violence 2004-10-08 / Associated Press /

Demanding the return of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, young men with machetes, guns and rocks set a light tires and debris in the street and threatened to behead foreigners after U.N. troops and police arrested dozens in a sweep through a volatile slum.

Infraction: exaggeration, misrepresentation of the facts

Omitted Information:


Armed Men, Boys Block Port-Au-Prince Slum

Wed Oct 6, 4:22 PM ET

By AMY BRACKEN, Associated Press Writer

One angry man in Bel Air thrust a gun into the face of an Associated Press reporter Wednesday, yelled expletives against President Bush and U.N. peacekeepers, then screamed: "We are going to kidnap some Americans and cut off their heads."

Note: The Associated Press (AP) may be contacted at: info@ap.org

===== Haiti News Watch (HNW) is an independent organization dedicated to fact checking news sources related to coverage of events in Haiti. Our reports and analysis of news content is intended to provide readers with story context and the background of sources used in published articles related to Haiti.