Haiti News Watch: New York Times unproven claim of responsibility for death of Weber Adrien
January 01, 2005
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Haiti News Watch: New York Times unproven claim of responsibility for death of Weber Adrien


MICHAEL KAMBER of the NYT lays responsibility for the brutal murder and decapitation of Weber Adrien on supporters of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide despite the absence of an official inquiry by Haitian law enforcement authorities. Unfortunately, his pro-government bias and reliance on their unproven assertions can seen throughout the entire article.

Infraction: relies upon hearsay, does not present balanced view of facts

Article Title:

A Troubled Haiti Struggles to Gain Its Political Balance

January 2, 2005


URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/02/international/americas/02haiti.html?ex=1105246800&en=b715e8e3f96605f1&ei=5006&partner=ALTAVISTA1

News Organization(s):

The New York Times Company
229 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
Main number for general inquiries about the Company and The New York Times: (212) 556-1234


Some university students held a rally to call for Mr. Latortue's removal and to honor Weber Adrien, an advocate for change who was pulled from his home and killed by Aristide partisans who also mutilated his body.


Source 1:

Agence Haitian de Presse (AHP) November 24, 2004 12:05 PM

Samba Boukman also rejected accusations that Weber Adrien, the coordinator of the city halls of Port-au-Prince, murdered on November 17, was killed by Lavalas activists.

He demanded that an investigation be opened to determine the circumstances of the killing.

Source 2:

Haiti Info. November 4, 2004

Les funérailles du coordonnateur des marchés publics de Port-au-Prince, Wéber Adrien, dont le cadavre a été découvert au Bel-Air le 18 novembre dernier ont été chantées jeudi \x87 l'Eglise Adventiste de la rue de la Rue de la Réunion.

Des secteurs progouvernementaux ont, bien entendu, accusé les militants Lavalas d'Ítre les auteurs du meurtre.


The funeral of the coordinator of the public markets of Port-with-Prince, Wéber Adrien, whose corpse was discovered in Bel-Air last November 18, was held Thursday at the Adventist Church of Rue de la Réunion .

Pro-government sectors, of course, held that Lavalas militants were the authors of the murder.

Haiti News Watch (HNW) is an independent organization dedicated to fact checking news sources related to coverage of events in Haiti. Our reports and analysis of news content is intended to provide readers with story context and the background of sources used in published articles related to Haiti.

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