Put Justice In Haiti On Your Holiday Gift List Recent Reports Human Rights in Haiti: February - May 2004
[ above photo: An unidentified body of a man that was burned. Left outside President Aristide's former Parish - St. John Bosco in Port au Prince - as a sign to Lavalas supporters. ] The report contains graphic photographs of victims of human rights violations. Although the photos are disturbing, they are a small sample of a very disturbing reality in Haiti. By representing that reality, we hope to help others avoid the same horrible fate as the men and women in the photographs. Copies of the report without the photographs are available. Download 700K PDF of this report original report - includes photos Read Anthony Fenton's review of this report, "Human Rights Horrors in Haiti" - July 27, 2004 Human Rights Update, July 26, 2004 Human Rights Update addresses the current human rights situation in Haiti, as of July 26, 2004, with a focus on human rights protection and respect for the rule of law. Information for the Update comes from investigations conducted by IJDH staff in Haiti and from the cited public reports. The report pays particular attention to violations of Constitutionally-protected rights, including the rights to free speech and assembly, and the right to be free of arbitrary arrest and detention. It discusses direct human rights violations by the interim government, as well as that government's failure to protect citizens from violations perpetrated by paramilitary groups. IJDH was founded to respond to February's violent interruption in Haiti's democratization process. Its mission is to work with the people of Haiti in their non-violent struggle for the return and consolidation of constitutional democracy, justice and human rights, by distributing objective and accurate information on human rights conditions in Haiti and cooperating with human rights and solidarity groups in Haiti and abroad. F For more information about the organization or this report: go to Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti website www.ijdh.org IJDH's director - Brian Concannon Jr. |