Andy Apaid delivers speech at Group 184 demo - The sweatshop owner, Apaid, leads the Group 184 representing a U.S. foreign policy vision that dropped the zero from Haiti's year of independence, 1804, to create a civil society organization named Group 184 that was heavily funded by the United States, France and Canada. ©2006 Darren Ell |
Charles Henry Baker being escorted by personal bodyguard - Referring to Cite Soleil, Baker said, "Basically, Haitian people see these zones as being protected by the UN, and terrorists can exit these areas, commit crimes, and go back in. The UN can't even go into these zones without their tanks." ©2006 Darren Ell |
Armed UN jeep moves through G184 rally - The jeep distracted all the attention away from Apaid, as the angry crowd began to throw garbage and water bottles, and bang on the sides of the jeep. Apaid pleaded with the crowd to keep calm and let the jeep through. Had the same incident happened at a demonstration in Cite Soleil (and indeed it has), the UN troops would have opened fire in a second, killing indiscriminately. ©2006 Leslie Bagg |
Jackson Riviere condemns the G184 - ©2006 Darren Ell |
Protesters condemn kidnapping and MINUSTAH ©2006 Darren Ell |
Elite in Haiti pressure UN: four more killed in Cite Soleil
An HIP Special Report
by Leslie Bagg and Aaron Lakoff
HIP - Haiti Pressure from the elite sector of Haitian society has been mounting against the U.N. Mission in Haiti during the past several weeks. As the on again, off again elections approach the renewed deadline of Feb. 7, the United Nations Stabilization Mission (MINUSTAH) in Haiti has been led to believe in and listen to Haiti's most reactionary voices. The U.N. is being pressured to crack down hard on poor neighborhoods that remain loyal to ousted president Jean-Bertrand Aristide and who have recently staged large rallies in support of Rene Garcia Preval. MINUSTAH attacks on Cite Soleil have been frequent and deadly. Lobbying in the form of outright disinformation and lies by the likes of sweatshop owner Andy Apaid, presidential candidate Charles Henry Baker and the president of Haiti's Chamber of Commerce Dr. Reginald Boulos, have had dire consequences for MINUSTAH. General Urano Bacellar, the Brazilian head of MINUSTAH, apparently took his own life on January 7th after a tense meeting with Boulos and Apaid. Bacellar reportedly disagreed with plans to invade Cite Soleil upon viewing footage of the collateral damage and deaths following a previous raid into Cite Soleil on July 6, 2005.
Andy Apaid leads the Group 184 representing a U.S. foreign policy vision
that dropped the zero from Haiti's year of independence, 1804, to create
a civil society organization named Group 184 that was heavily funded by
the United States, France and Canada. The Group 184 helped to build
opposition to Aristide's government and Apaid was among the first to
refer to paramilitary forces that invaded Haiti from the Dominican
Republic as freedom fighters as they killed police officers and Lavalas
officials in their bid to oust Aristide. Late in 2003, Apaid led
demonstrations by the so-called student movement and right-wing sectors
of Haitian society to oust democratically elected president
Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
The right-wing presidential candidates supported by the group 184 were
anything but happy when they held a demonstration January 16th in front
of the UN headquarters in Port-au-Prince. Their stated aim was to force
the UN to guarantee security in the country, put an end to the recent
wave of kidnappings for ransom, and root out 'terrorists' and chimeres
in poor areas of the capital. Supporters of Aristide regard these very
terms as code words; the electoral campaigners of his successor Rene
Preval see the language as a virtual invitation to renewed attacks upon
the community. The demonstration by Haiti's reactionary elite came
exactly one week after the Haitian Chamber of Commerce and the Group
184 called for a nationwide strike for Jan. 9 with the same intended
The Jan.16 rally in front of the headquarters of the U.N. was pure
theater. Andy Apaid and presidential candidate Charles Henry Baker
addressed a crowd of approximately 300 people from atop a truck with a
powerful sound system. Lively music played before and after speeches.
The stage was set as people below danced through the crowd and held up
signs saying "Down with MINUSTAH, Long Live the PNH (Haitian Police),
Long Live Haiti", and chanted, "Stop-Stop Kidnappings, Stop-Stop
Jackson Desrivieres, a former member of the so-called student movement
that helped to oust Aristide, was escorted away from the demonstration
by Haitian police after challenging the organizers: "You guys are with
the former military! I can't be with you any more! The people of Cite
Soleil can't eat, the people of Bel Air can't eat! You guys are paying
people to be here, meanwhile people can't eat. They don't have money
to send their kids to school. Life has gotten worse since you did that
thing [took power]"
Apaid, who was the MC of the demonstration, introduced the speakers,
many of them competing for President, by stating that unity amongst
Haiti's political class was needed in order to solve the country's
problems. This 'united political class' includes many of the country's
wealthiest, and leaves out Lavalas, the most popular political party in
However, shortly after Apaid began his speech, an armed UN jeep
approached the demo and began slowly driving through the crowd on its
way to the UN headquarters. This immediately distracted all the
attention away from Apaid, as the angry crowd began to throw garbage
and water bottles, and bang on the sides of the jeep. Apaid pleaded
with the crowd to keep calm and let the jeep through. Had the same
incident happened at a demonstration in Cite Soleil (and indeed it
has), the UN troops would have opened fire in a second, killing
indiscriminately. These demonstrators were much more fortunate, having
the big guns behind them, and all the protection of Haiti's elite.
The rhetoric that numerous speakers were putting forth about this being
a peaceful demonstration is in fact completely false. This
demonstration was meant to be anything but peaceful. The Group 184 had
achieved what they're so good at - cloaking their actions in a veneer of
credibility and appeal to liberal concerns of 'peace' and 'democracy',
while at the same time putting pressure on MINUSTAH to up the ante and
open fire on the poor.
While the Group 184 is calling on intensified security to solve the
problem of 'lawlessness' in Haiti, the end result of their pressure can
only be described as collective punishment for the country's poor. This
logic exists in many occupied zones throughout the world. One need not
even condemn a whole population as being 'insurgents', 'terrorists', or
in Haiti's case, 'chimeres' or 'bandits,' but conveniently find a few
amongst the many, and that's justification enough for a slaughter.
Referring to Cite Soleil, Baker said, "Basically, Haitian people see
these zones as being protected by the UN, and terrorists can exit these
areas, commit crimes, and go back in. The UN can't even go into these
zones without their tanks."
Baker continued, "We have to understand that Cite Soleil has 300 000
residents, and maybe 200 terrorists. These terrorists are terrorizing
the other 300 000.... We are asking that Cite Soleil residents be given
the right to circulate freely, without being attacked by 'chimeres' or
Baker's perceived benevolence to Cite Soleil is, in reality, paper-thin.
Jean-Joseph Joel, a resident Cite Soleil had a completely different
account of MINUSTAH's actions: "...people who live in Cite Soleil can't
go out into the street to go about any activities. We can not circulate,
we can not work."
The Group 184 demonstration seemed to have achieved the desired results.
A report came in later in the day from Cite Soleil residents that
MINUSTAH forces there had killed another 4 people only hours after the
The Group 184 demonstration came days after a demonstration held in Cite
Soleil against MINUSTAH repression, human rights abuses and killings of
civilians. In a country where people on both sides of the political
spectrum have serious grievances with MINUSTAH , it is worth asking
whose interests are really being served by the UN presence here.
As things stand now, support for popular candidate Rene Preval among the
poor majority of Haitians is enough to guarantee his victory. The Group
184's cries for security in Haiti are no more than a softened way of
saying that anyone even remotely associated with Lavalas will not be
allowed to win the presidential elections, and if they try, their
supporters will pay with their lives.