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Aristide Foundation for Democracy since 1996 the AFD Conference Center in Tabarre, Haiti has been the focal point for Grassroots Organizations that support the principles of Fanmi Lavalas. After the Earthquake of 2010 ongoing relief support organizing is coordinated from the center. Haiti Information Project - Kevin Pina's blog site for HIP content CEPR: Haiti Relief and Reconstruction Watch The Haiti Action Committee Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco based solidarity group with background in CISPES, Prairie Fire, Prisoner Rights, Sanctuary Movement and other solidarity groups. Meets regularly in Berkeley. The Canada Haiti Action Network is an information and action network with member committees in cities across Canada. The network was formed in 2004 out of concern over the violent overthrow of elected government in Haiti on February 29, 2004 and the forced exile of the elected president, Jean Bertrand Aristide. Listen to Flashpoints! Radiofor frequent breaking news from the Haiti Information Project (HIP) broadcast daily on Pacifica Radio and the web Haiti coverage archives Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti Headed by Brian Concannon Jr. this human rights organization works with the people of Haiti in their non-violent struggle for the return and consolidation of constitutional democracy, justice and human rights, by distributing objective and accurate information on human rights conditions in Haiti and cooperating with human rights and solidarity groups in Haiti and abroad. Doctors Without Borders - Medicins Sans Frontieres AHP Haïti - L'Agence Haïtienne de Presse Haiti-based news in French - daily independent on-line news source Democracy Now! Haiti coverage archives
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