SOROS Focuses on Security in Haiti's Cité Soleil Slum
An editorial comment by Kevin Pina, founding editor of the Haiti Information Project (HIP)
A recent piece written by Ruxandra Guidi for the Soros funded America's Quarterly clearly represents the perspective of MINUSTAH and USAID. It's bias is clear early on, "Shortly after Jean-Bertrand Aristide was ousted in 2004 (under pressure from the U.S. and Canada due to a sharp rise in organized violence)." Only those who supported Aristide being taken out of his bed in the middle of the night and forced onto a plane and exile abroad continue to falsely repeat the unproven assertion of a "sharp rise in organized violence." It's a familiar narrative that is uncritically recycled and designed to justify the ouster of Haiti's democratically president on Feb. 29, 2004.
From there Ms. Guidi races into inaccuracies such as "the United States announced it would contribute $20 million to fund development projects and create jobs in the city's largest slum." This brand of journalism at the prompting of Soros 'Open Society' is apparently geared to please her UN handlers after taking a few stints as an embedded journalist.
What a difference it would make if we were told that the $20 million was actually funded directly by the Pentagon in Cite Soleil as part of a widespread pacification project targeting the poorest citizens of Haiti. What if we were told that the residents of Cite Soleil have accused the UN of having committed massacres upon their community on July 6, 2005 and December 22, 2005. In this sanitized foreigner's version of Haitian history there is no mention of the atrocities and gross human rights violations committed by the Haitian National Police while they were being trained by UN forces in Haiti. Not a chance because according to the UN and Ms. Guidi it never happened. Instead we are given more of the same 'embedded' journalism we have come to expect from those fishing for jobs in the corporate media. Luckily for Ms. Guidi the journalism programs at UC Berkeley and a John Hopkin's media fellowship have prepared her to take her place among a docile and obedient press when it comes to uncritical reporting concerning the UN mission in Haiti. We would wish her luck but it's clear she doesn't need it. The Associated Press and Jonathan Katz as well as The Miami Herald and Jacqueline Charles would do well to watch this one.
©2009 Haiti Information Project
The Haiti Information Project (HIP) is a non-profit alternative news service providing coverage and analysis of breaking developments in Haiti.
Winner of the CENSORED 2008 REAL NEWS AWARD for Outstanding Investigative Journalism
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