At every Lavalas demonstration over the past year pro-democracy activists seek justice and action for Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine while they call for the return of President Jean Bertrand Aristide. St. Jean Bosco - Dec 17, 2007 - Port au Prince, Haiti Photo: ©2007 Randall White
Haiti's leaders indifferent to the kidnapping of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine
Today marks the one year anniversary of the abduction and disappearance of human rights activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine in Haiti. Mr. Pierre-Antoine is the coordinator of the September 30th Foundation that works for victims rights in Haiti. He was abducted August 12, 2007 after meeting with a human rights delegation from the U.S. and Canada and has not been heard from since. Although Lovinsky's abductors attempted to make it appear as a kidnapping for ransom, it is now widely believed his disappearance was politically motivated.
It has been sometime since the public has heard from Lovinsky's wife and family. What follows is the complete translated text of a letter originally written in French by Michèle Pierre-Antoine,to mark this day, the one year anniversary of the abduction and disappearance of her husband, Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine
Open letter to the Haitian authorities on the first anniversary
of the disappearance of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine
From: Michèle Pierre-Antoine (original letter in French)
Madam/Sir -- the authorities,
Exactly one year ago, on 12 August 2007, my husband, Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, after coming back from out of town, suddenly left home to go to a meeting arranged by phone by people who probably wanted to lure him into a trap. Up to now, that was the last time his family saw him. It was also the start of an ordeal for those close to him as well as for his colleagues and friends.
12 August 2007-12 August 2008. Twelve long months have gone by since his disappearance was reported to all bodies with responsibility for Haiti: the President’s office, Primature, Parliament, Ministry of Justice, National Police of Haiti, UN, OAS (Organisation American States), etc. To this day, the Pierre-Antoine family has witnessed, with disappointment but not surprise, the lack of, if not to say the total absence of any results from the actions and investigations which the authorities are supposed to undertake.
Today, my demeanour is that of a traumatised wife, of a mother who is shocked and powerless, speechless in the face of Lovinsky’s two sons’ daily questions about what has really happened to their dear father. I’ve heard nothing about where the investigation has reached, and I’m getting to the point where I wonder if there really is a will to present any concrete official results.
A year after this incident, the Haitian authorities and the public seem to have forgotten this citizen whose disappearance, as a human being, should arouse sympathy. The worst is the mental anguish his family has to endure; we also feel angry about the sick actions of his kidnappers and the blatant indifference of some of his closest colleagues.
2007 interview with Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. Click image for article |
Without doubt, an active citizen of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine’s calibre does not disappear, doesn’t melt into nature without a trace. Actually, the leads and clues left during and after his kidnap were not worked on or explored advisedly so as to bring concrete results. For example, the fingerprints found in the vehicle Lovinsky used, the shocking and revealing statements made to the press by an influential member of the political party Lovinsky belongs to. Personally, not too long ago, I told the police that in a moment of hope, I rang Lovinsky’s mobile and was stunned when someone answered, who calmly replied, without any concern, that he was in possession of a personal belonging of someone who had mysteriously disappeared, which could constitute evidence of the crime if there was jurisdiction in this country.
Thinking about Lovinsky’s disappearance, his family and I think of it as missing his physical presence, but he remains with us, alive in our hearts and minds because he is a remarkable husband, a father and family man who cares about his children’s education and future, and a wise adviser to those around him. Surely, even those who don’t agree with his convictions and political actions, still admire his activism, seriousness, his commitment to what he has promised, his team spirit and above all, his love for Haiti. Words fail us to describe Lovinsky’s rare and fantastic personal qualities. Our memories of him are the best.
Putting my arms around the shoulders of my two sons who are in tears at the disappearance of their dear father, and who are waiting for him to come home, my only choice is to reapply myself to notifying all the authorities concerned, to shine a light on his disappearance. Actually, it’s time to break with this atmosphere of suspense and uncertainty; it’s time to break the silence everyone is keeping about this affair, a silence which becomes a tacit plot hatched to keep secret the identity of who is behind this disgusting act. Once more, I call on the conscience of each and every person to get to the truth and end this inexpressible tragedy for Lovinsky, as it is a tragedy for his family. I also call on the conscience of the members of the new government so that they re-launch the investigation on Lovinsky and make the truth come to light.
Finally, I am with my sons in expressing recognition and thanks to the real friends and supporters of Lovinsky, to all those who have lent their moral support, all those who made immeasurable sacrifices to express their opposition to this act, in the streets of various cities in Haiti, in the US and other countries as well as abroad in front of the embassies and offices of Haiti, to all those who have written up articles on this affair for the radio, print media, television and internet, and all those who, in one way or another, have shown sympathy about this sad and terrible situation.
Let everyone know that despite all these terrible things, Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine’s family is stronger than ever. Lifted up by hope.
Monday 11 August 2008
Michèle Pierre-Antoine
Lovinsky’s wife
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