List of Signers:
Maxine Waters
Major R. Owens
Al Green
Tom Lantos
Marcy Kaptur
Maurice Hinchey
William Delahunt
Sheila Jackson-Lee
Earl Blumenauer
Barbara Lee
Corrine Brown
Cynthia McKinney
Jan Schakowsky
Kendrick B. Meek
Dennis Kucinich
John Conyers
Raúl Grijalva
Sherrod Brown
Joseph Crowley
Julia Carson
Tammy Baldwin
Charles Rangel
Robert Wexler
Melvin L. Watt
Barney Frank
Fortney Pete Stark
Bobby L. Rush
Peter DeFazio
James P. McGovern
Betty McCollum
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Robert Andrews
Robert Menendez
Donald Payne
Thomas Allen
Jim McDermott
Edolphus Towns
Donna Christensen
Gregory Meeks
Lynn Woolsey
Carolyn Kilpatrick
Michael Capuano
See also:
Prison meeting with Pere Jean-Juste "The holiday season is not just the time to talk about peace, the holiday season is the time to DO the work of peace." Dec 13
Haiti's "Prisoner of Conscience" diagnosed with life-threatening medical problems: Fr. Jean-Juste must be released immediately! There is new urgency in the call for the immediate release of Pere Jean-Juste from the jails of Haiti - the priest is seriously ill. Dec 7