ARTICLE: The Assassination of Jean Dominique:
Is it part of Washington's offensive? - Haïti Progres- April 2000 - Was the assassination a part of the 14 year U.S. destabilization campaign. With all the interest that has been focused on this case over the last year, it's obvious that supporters of democracy and President Aristide would make such a charge. However, it's the same analysis that was being made long before the media barrage began. A close look at what was being said by occasional critics of the Fanmi Lavalas administration will prove to be rather provocative. With reports of Washington's meddling with elections and voting machines, one of the interesting experiences of reading this article is the distinct impression of how prophetic is was in light of the 2004 Coup d'Ètat.

©2000 Michelle Karshan - Demonstration in memory of Jean Dominique
at Radio Haiti Inter April 3, 2000 - Sò Anne participated in demonstration outside Radio Haiti Inter to protest the murder of Jean Dominique the day before.