Dark storm brewing over elections in Haiti
HIP - Haiti Since a CID-Gallup poll taken in Haiti last December showed Rene Preval leading in the upcoming elections with 37%, the political forces that banded together to oust Aristide in Feb. 2004 have been organizing to contest the expected results.
Rene Garcia Preval was the former prime minister for six months under
Aristide's first administration before a brutal military coup in
September 1991. An agronomist educated in Europe, he is also a former
president of Haiti whose term ran from 1996 to 2001.
Preval's closest rival, Charles Henry Baker, is a wealthy sweatshop
owner and a co-founder of the Group 184, a so-called civil society
organization that helped to overthrow Aristide and was heavily funded
by the United States, France and Canada through an intriguing web of
foreign non-governmental organizations (NGO's).
What the CID-Gallup poll inadvertently exposed was the true numbers and
strength of the movement that ousted Aristide. While the opposition to
Aristide was portrayed in the press as a broad movement with widespread
public support, the poll shows the political parties that led the
movement are mostly polling in single digit numbers and combined
represent less than 30% of the electorate. The major candidate
representing the movement, Baker, is only polling at 10%.
On the eve of the elections, what is equally clear is that the majority
of Preval supporters are drawn from the same base of the electorate
that supported Aristide and his political party known as Lavalas. It is
comprised mostly of peasant farmers in the countryside and urban slum
dwellers in Haiti's major cities.
Recent statements by Preval indicate that he will not interfere if
Aristide wants to return to Haiti as a private citizen. This has
incensed the political forces that worked to oust Aristide and who are
now clamoring to make tomorrow's election a referendum on the question.
They are unfortunately running against the grain of another poll
conducted from Nov. 6 to Nov. 16, 2005. The Democracy Group conducted
the poll for the National Organization for the Advancement of Haitians
(NOAH), an organization known for its hostility against Aristide and
his Lavalas party. The results concluded that 51% of the respondents
support Aristide's return to Haiti.
Perhaps more menacing, and a portent of things to come, is a recent
editorial entitled "Reconstructing the Lavalas Anarchy" written and
circulated by Raoul Peck. Peck is the writer/director of the film
Lumumba and HBO's Sometimes in April (2005). He served as Haiti's
Minister of Culture from 1995 until 1997. In a virulent diatribe Peck
writes, "Is the UN commitment to support the restoration of democracy
in our country only lip service? Is the botched electoral process that
our friends are endeavoring to shove down our throats "no matter what"
consistent with the generous plans laid out by the UN Secretary-General
for Haiti in the aftermath of the Aristide's downfall?"
Peck concludes with the threat, "The International community did not
learn the lesson of Aristide's dismissal. They continue to call
instability what is after all the historical capacity of the Haitian
people to get rid of whoever is trying to take advantage of them. And
it has a name: Resistance."
Peck represents the intellectual tendency of those behind the forced
ouster of President Aristide in Feb. 2004. His sentiments are currently
being echoed in hundreds of letters currently circulating on the
Internet to plant the concept of "resisting" the outcome of the
elections if Preval wins as expected.
What all of this really shows is that the so-called "forces of
democracy" that overthrew Aristide, and were backed by the United
States, France and Canada, were anything but democratic. They were
actually a minority of spoilers, a paper tiger and a creature of the
Peck's diatribe exposes that, not unlike the history of U.S. foreign
policy in the region, those who ousted Aristide are only willing to
accept the principals of democracy if it results in elections that
bring victory to candidates that represent their own political views
and interests. It is an all or nothing political mentality that led
Haiti into this current mess and unfortunately it shows no signs of